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Notes for William A Weeden

US Census 1860
New York, Cattaraugus, Napoli
Living here as a farmer with his wife Mary P and his children Sarah and William P.
Value of Estate $4300. That's alot higher than the value of his neighbors estates (500 - 3000).

US Census 1870
New York, Cattaraugus, Napoli (Post Office Little Valley)
Wheedon, William A, 57, Farmer, born RI
Wheedon, Mary R ,60, Keeping House, born RI
Wheedon, Sarah L, 33, born RI
Wheedon, William, 5, born NY
Wheedon, Perry, 3, born NY
Value of estate $10.700, value of personal estate $1500. At least double the value of his neighbors estates.

Laatste wijziging op 19 april 2011 door Arwi Lokhorst
Rhode Island - USA


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