Born Pitt. St., Ashton Under Lyne.
Prof. 1863 (wedding): Brick Maker.
British Census 1871: Prof: Watchmaker, Address: 20 Oldham Rd, Ashton Under Lyne, Lancashire, England.
Between Apr. and Sep. 1871: precedes his family to the USA. Finding work in Worchester, Mass., he sends for Martha and his sons who arrive in Boston from Liverpool on steamship 'Samaria' on 19 Sep 1871.
Prof. 1873 (Worchester MA, USA): Machinist.
1874/1875: Joseph and his family return to Ashton Under Lyne, England.
British Census 1881: Prof: Agent Of Insurance, Address: 6 Welbeck St, Ashton Under Lyne, Lancashire, England.
British Census 1891: Prof: Watch Maker, Adress: 39 Victoria Street, Ashton Under Lyne, Lancashire, England.
1891 (1893?): Baron family returns back to the USA, this time at Taftville, Conn., outside the town of Norwich. Probably attracted to opportunities to be had in local silk mills.
Nov 9 1893 the Baron family arrived (back) in Boston on SS Catalonia sailing from Liverpool, this after a visit to Lancashire. Joseph is listed as a Jewelery, the two eldest daughters as Servants.
1899: Family moves to New Bedford, Mass. (the children George, Clara, Lily and John almost certainly moved with them). Joseph and Martha visited their daughter Bertha in Colne, Lancashire in 1901 (as shown on a picture).
Oct 1901 Joseph and Martha arrive back in Boston on SS New England sailing from Liverpool. Joseph is listed as a Watch Maker.
1918, 1919 New Bedford Directory
43 Highland
Joseph Baron
Watches, Jewelry, Etc
Baron Joseph & Son 1934 Purchase St, New Bedford
Same home address in 1904 - 1912, store at 868 Purchase St In 1913 the store address changed to 1934 Purchase St, New Bedford.
In 1919 listed as a jewelry merchant (store address and name not mentioned behind his name, only at his son George T. In 1920 the store is not called Joseph Baron & Son anymore (only George T Baron).
1923 New Bedford diretory
Baron, Joseph (Martha) h 43 Highland St [no profession mentioned]