Image number 133
Digital Folder Number: 4019279
Film number: 2186938
Arrived from Liverpool, England with the SS Pavonia in Boston, MA on 6 Apr 1891 together with his father John and his siblings George B (9) and Mary E Norris (7).
Went to England in 1900, arrived back 27 Oct 1900 in New York from Liverpool, England with the SS Campania.
Went to England in 1901, arrived back Aug 1901 in Boston, MA from Liverpool, England with the SS Saxonia. He paid for the trip himself, had no money when he arrived back.
Went back to England with Clara in 1907, arrived back from Liverpool, England, 27 Jul 1907 in New York with the SS Arabic. Joseph was sworn in as an American citizen at the Customs in New York (based on his father's earlier naturalisation when he was still a minor). Address 43 Highland St, New Bedford (living with the Baron family).
Went back to England in 1910/1911, arrived back Mar 1911 from Manchester, England in Boston, MA with the SS Caledonian. He did put done as the US contact Mr J Norris, address, 43 Highland St, New Bedford. That is the address of his (former) in-laws Joseph and Martha Baron. He lived there with his wife Clara (Baron) Norris.
Went back to England in 1914, arrived back 15 Jul 1914 with the SS Laconia in Boston, MA from Liverpool, England. Gave as US address 43 Highland Ave, New Bedford, MA (same address as the Baron family).
Went to England with his second wife Alice (Parkinson) Norris in 1929. Arrived back 13 Oct 1929 with the SS Laconia from Liverpool, England to Boston, MA. US address: 622 Summer St, New Bedford, MA.
Went to England arrived from Boston, MA in Liverpool, England with the SS Scythia on 19 Aug 1929. Address in England: High St, Blackburn, England. Not permanent, see US Census 1930.
1910 US Federal Census
Name: Joseph Norris
Age in 1910: 30
Estimated birth year: abt 1880
Birthplace: England
Relation to Head of House: Son-in-Law [at same address as Joseph and Martha Baron]
Father's Birth Place: England
Mother's Birth Place: England
Spouse's name: Clara Norris
Home in 1910: New Bedford Ward 2, Bristol, Massachusetts
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Male
Year of Immigration: 1891
Occupation: Mule Spinner at Cotton Mill
1930 US Federal Census
Lived with his wife Alice, 1035 County St New Bedford, MA, He is still a Mule Spinner at the Cotton Mill. Alice is a Weaver at the Cotton Mill. Rental home, $20.00 per month.
WW I Registration Draft Card (1919)
Joseph Norris
43 Highland New Bedfrod, Bristol Mass (Baron's address)
40 Years, DOB: 21 March 1878
Occupation: Mill Operative - Darmouth Mil
Nearest Relative: Hannah Hamlet, 43 Reynolds, New Bedford, Bristol, Mass