The Roxbury Church records:
ÙSMary Chase, the wife of William Chase, she had a paralitik humor wch fell into her back bone, so yt she could not stir her body, but as she was lifted, and filled her wth great torture, & caused her back bone to goe out of joynt, & bunch out from the begining to the end of wch infirmity she lay 4 years & a haife, & a great pt of the time a sad spectakle of misery: But it pleased God to raise her againe, & she bore children after it.ÙT
From about 1632 to 1636, Mary Chase suffered with great pain because of a back problem. In fact, the Roxbury City Records states that" She lay 4 years & a halfe, & a great pt of time a sad spectakle of misery; But it pleased God to raise her againe, & she bore children after it."
DEATH: October, 1659. Wee, whose names are vnderwritten, haueing made serchand enquiry, according to our best light and vnderstanding, into the cause ofdeathe of Mary Chase, viz, of our towne of Yarmouth, doe with joynt consentpsent, the day and yeare abouesaid, that wee can find noe other but that sheedied a naturall death through inward sickness, as is euident to all mennatually.