Deeds to three of John's sons appear in Bristol Co. Deeds. He is referred to frequently in Baylies' History of New Plymouth with regard to land transactions. He was appointed an assistant in Taunton as well as deputy in 1691.
Deeds to 3 of the sons of John Hathaway appear in Bristol Co. deeds, Vol. 11 PP 402,433,and 492; to Isaac 7 Feb 1702; to Abraham, 24 Feb. 1701/2; to John 5 Feb 1704/5. For facsimiles of their Signatures see Amer. Gen. Oct. 1958, Jacobus, Vol. 34 page 253.
John Hathaway is frequently referred to in Baylie's History of New Plymouth, e.g. Vol. 11 p 270; regarding division of land, 28 Dec. 1659, payment of 0.10.7 for 7 heads, 37 acres ibid. p. 274, list includes Hathaway; ibid., page 279, John Hathaway on the rights that was his fathers. Vol. IV pages 8 in 1680 John Hathaway and Thomas Leonard were appointed assistants in Taunton; ibid. p 80, 10 acres given to Mr. Danforth, Minister, John Hathaway SR. ibid. page 141, deputy, 1691. He lived in what is called the farms then part of Taunton now part of Berkley. His children were all by his first wife.