(?) Arrived in Boston 2 Sep 1904 from Liverpool, England with the SS Republic, occupation: Loom Fixer, payed for the trip himself. Going to an aunt Mrs John Riddell in New Bedford, Mass. This William Downhill, born 20 May 1868, is naturalized 18 oct 1905, address 37 Bullock St, New Bedford.
1904 New Bedford City Directory: 37 Bullock St. There is a James Downhill, weaver, living as a boarder at 61 Dean St.
1905 New Bedford City Directory: same address. Occupation: loom fixer. A James Downhill marriages 1 May 1905 Annie A Owen.
1906 New Bedford City Directory: same address, same occupation. James Downhill lives 15 1/2 Campbell St
1907 New Bedford City Directory: Elizabeth Downhill, 256 Weld St, widow of William. James lives 358 Purchase St.