He emigrated to New England with his father in 1638, and settled in Newport, R. I., where on 12 Oct. 1648 he was one of the members in full communion of the First Baptist Church.
He was on the list of freemen in 1655, and was commissioner, 1659, 1662, deputy, 1665, 1669, 1671, 1672, and 1674, and sergeant 1670, 1672.
1659 - 1662 Westerly, RI. He was a commisioner 1659 - 1662.
1670 - 1672 Westerly, RI He was called Sargent, Two years later he had land recorded in Newport, RI.
William Weeden, son of James Weeden, was a prominent citizen of Newport, deacon of the Baptist church; commissioner, 1659-62; deputy 1665-69-71-72-74; sergeant 1670-72.