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Notes for John Rogers

!SOURCE: Mayflower Famillies through Five Generations, by the Society of Mayflower Descendants, Vol. 2, 1978. pg 173. The inventory of the estate of John Rogers, yeoman, deceased, was taken 5 Apr 1739. On 1 May 1739, Ebenezer Rogers, John Rogers, Joseph Rogers, Reuben Nickerson and Sarah Rogers, all of Harwich; Jonathan Rogers of Yarmouth and Benjamin Rogers of Kingston in Plymouth Co. agreed that Joseph should have payment from the estate of their father and husband, John Rogers deceased for services done since 1729. The aggreement was acknowledged by all but Benjamin on 29 Aug 1739. On 28 Aug. 1739 Priscilla Nickerson, wife of Reubin and daughter of John Rogers deceased, gave her consent ( on the back of the document)++++ Thankful was apparently not involved in the transaction.
per History and Gen. of MF Planters "He resided in Harwich on land probably left to him by his father under the will dated 1713. He seems to have died before 1739, for there was an agreement entered into by his heirs dated May 1, 1739, and naming children Ebenezer, John, Joseph, Rueben Nickerson, and Sarah Rogers of Harwich, Benjamin of Kingston, and Jonathan of Yarmouth. His father by ll under date of Apr. 27, 1713, stated in part "to my son John Jr. 20 acres of upland in Herwich where his dwelling house now stands- also one half of my meadow, and also that my third part of a share of sedge ground lying on pochey sedge flats which was laid out in the right of my decesed father Joseph Rogers"."

Laatste wijziging op 19 april 2011 door Arwi Lokhorst
Rhode Island - USA


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